Level I Match on Saturday, June 24th!
Hello folks,
Match scheduled for Saturday will start at 10:00am. Someone will be out there early (8:30ish) to start setting up and help is always appreciated of course!!! Paul Barrow did up some Stages for a match in May that got cancelled, so we’ll use those this weekend. Someone will be there to collect the Match Fee ($10) and run everything.
IPSCNL 6 stage June 24th 2017
When we start on time (because of the extra help setting up) people can finish at a reasonable time and enjoy the rest of the day! There may be some rain so that’ll be a decision for that morning. Follow on the website to be sure!!!
I won’t be there to shoot that morning but I’ll probably be out (early afternoon) with the ammunition order to make sure everyone gets their ammo! If you want it beforehand, contact me.
See you at the range!
Rick Crane
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Rick Crane
Hello folks, I'm just a regular guy that enjoys the action shooting sports. I participate in Steel Challenge and IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation). It's all great fun and I encourage folks to go to your local range and give it a try.