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Rick Crane

Hello folks, I'm just a regular guy that enjoys the action shooting sports. I participate in Steel Challenge and IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation). It's all great fun and I encourage folks to go to your local range and give it a try.

IPSC Matches and Range Construction UPDATES

Hello shooters,


  • The range clean-up day at the St. John’s Rod & Gun club is happening tomorrow, June 3rd.  All help is welcome and the Executive was actually out there this week and have started most of it.  Please drop out to lend a hand for a couple of hours.  Lunch is provided up at the Clubhouse.

  • The construction start date for the NEW Range A is scheduled for June 12th.  Construction will happen during the weekdays (Monday-Friday from 7am-6pm) and the range will be closed during those hours.

The match that was planned for Clarenville tomorrow is cancelled.

Our regularly scheduled match for next week is planned for Saturday!  Hopefully the weather helps us get some range time!  Look for further updates during the week.

Rick Crane


IPSCNL Match May 27th

Hello folks,

Paul Barrow has put together 6 stages for the match this Saturday.  As per normal, first shot is planned to start at 10:00am, match fee is $10.  Please try to get out early to help set up.

If you have ordered a Club Shirt you can bring the money and give it to John Pinto.

Should be a fun time as usual; and remember:

Let's have some fun.

It’s that simple!


Rick Crane, IPSCNL

Great weather for Steel Challenge!

Well folks, it appears as if Mother Nature is going to try and help us enjoy some shooting time at the range this evening!

Come on out!!!  The set up will start around 5:30pm and we like to get first shots downrange at 6:00pm.

Hope to see you out.

Rick Crane


Let's have some fun.

It’s that simple!

Steel Challenge, May 23rd – Green Light!

Hello folks, Just a quick message to remind everyone about the scheduled shoot on Tuesday Evening. We will aim to get started at 6:00pm. The plan is to have someone out there at 5:30 to start setting up. All help is appreciated.  If you may be a bit late – no worries. We’ll squeeze you in there somehow. There will be 2 stages set up. Cost is $5 to shoot.  Rick Crane 709-765-8991

Black Badge Certification Course May 6-7th 2017

We had our first BB Certification Course of the year on May 6-7th.  It was a full class of 10 participants.  The Instructor was Steve Chapeskie while we had 2 Instructor Candidates (Rick Crane & Paul Barrow).  The weather for the weekend was chilly but we had blue skies all weekend!  That is rare for us to experience. All 10 students safely completed the practical component and passed the exam.  They just need to safely complete an IPSC Handgun Match.  Here are some photos from the weekend’s course. The next BBC Course is scheduled for July 29-30th 2017. Congratulations to all and have fun shooting!!!  Big thanks to Steve C and Paul B for helping run this course. Rick Crane, IPSCNL Coordinator [widgetkit id=”17″ name=”Black Badge Certification Course May 6-7 2017″]

Black Badge Course Reminder

Hello Shooters,

Just thought that I should remind everyone about the upcoming Black Badge Courses that IPSCNL is offering.

Tentatively; we still have 2 Black Badge courses this season (we would certainly love to run more courses):

Black Badge Safety Course Certification

Holster Safety Certification

  1. July 29-30th at SJRGC; and

  2. Sept 9-10th at Clarenville Rod and Gun Club.

Further information can be found here:  Black Badge Courses 2017

If you are interested, or you know someone that may be interested, please complete the short form below so we can follow up.

I hope that everyone is doing well and I look forward to seeing everyone at the range!

Rick Crane

IPSCNL Section Coordinator

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Black Badge Inquiry’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’BB Course Date’ type=’checkbox-multiple’ options=’July 29-30th,Sept 9-10th’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]  

IPSCNL Level I Match – Saturday May 13th

Hello Shooters,

Reminder that there is a match on Saturday.  Here are the stages that you’ll be facing (or some small variation of them).  Round Count is 100.

Set up starting at 8:30am.  As normal, all help is welcomed!  Plan to get first shot at 10:00am.  Cost is $10 for the match.  If you haven’t registered with IPSCNL yet; no worry – we can sort that out at the range.  Membership is $70 for the season.

IPSCNL 6 stage May 13 2017

See you at the range!

Rick Crane


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International Practical Shooting Confederation
We are the International Practical Shooting Confederation