April 29th IPSC Handgun Results
Our first completed match of 2017 is in the books! We had a good day to shoot the 7 stages. Having a few hands to help with set up always makes things smoother for everyone! Here are the results! IPSCNL April 29th Results Reminder that we have our first Black Badge course of 2017 happening next weekend (Sat-Sun) at the Range. If you have free time drop out to lend a hand or meet the newest folks wanting to shoot with us. See you at the range! Rick Crane, IPSCNL Section CoordinatorApril 29th Level I Match is a go!
Hello shooters,
Just a reminder that we are shooting tomorrow!
Someone will be at the range for 8:30am so come on out and help set up. I have 7 stages ready to go with a round count 116. We’ll see what we’re going to use when we get there.
See you there.
Rick Crane
It’s a GO! IPSC Match on Saturday April 8th, 2017
Hello folks, *** if you are reading this on FaceBook, please share the post so that everyone sees it! ***
I was at the range today. There’s a couple of inches of snow on the Range and a bit of snow in front of the equipment shed; but otherwise there shouldn’t be a problem having our match on Saturday.

Don’t forget that we are looking to get our orders done as soon as possible for the Club Shirts! The larger the order, the less per unit cost. I’ll be bringing the sample sizes that I have from the manufacturer.

See you at the Range!
Rick Crane
Level II IPSC Match in Halifax
This message is for anyone that may be travelling to Nova Scotia and would like to shoot in a weekend match.
Registration is now open for the IPSC Nova Scotia Level 2 match to be held the weekend of March 11/12 at the Atlantic Marksmen Association in Dartmouth. Please read the following very carefully and respond as requested. Something’s different. On Saturday, March 11th – we will set up the match at AMA. Set up will begin at 3 PM. Once the stages are finished construction; the workers will gear up and shoot the match then. On Sunday, March 12th, there will be a morning and an afternoon squad. The Morning Squad will register at the range at 8:30 with a first shot scheduled for 8:45. The Afternoon squad will register at the range at 12:15 with a planned first shot for 12:30. The afternoon squad will tear down the match and put the props away after they are done shooting. Everyone in the afternoon squad is expected to remain for tear down. If you want to shoot the match, Please email shansen@bellaliant.net with the 6 pieces of information:
Your Name.
The Division you want to shoot in. (Production, Standard, Classic, Open)
The Power factor you are declaring (Major or Minor)
Your preference of when you want to shoot. (Rank the three times) ie. (1.Morning 2. Sat Night, 3. Afternoon)
If you are an IPSC Range Official.
If there’s someone special you want to be squadded with.
If you shoot on Saturday night and you’re an RO, I might ask if you can do an RO stint during one of the shooting periods on Sunday – it depends on how this experiment works out. Every effort will be made to accommodate requests and it will be on a first come, first served basis so please respond ASAP. If you have emailed me before now about the match, it didn’t count – please respond to this email with the information I request above. That’s it – I’ll let you know how squadding is looking about mid week. One Final Thing – the Spring Bang – our two day match in April on the 1/2. – Registration will open for it a little earlier than usual, likely around Match the weekend of the 18th. Same deal as usual; email registration. Thanks for reading along DVC Sean.
MATCH SCHEDULE Change in March
Hello folks,
I hope that everyone is keeping busy during the winter here! I’m sure that everyone is looking forward to getting back out on the range and shooting a match.
We were scheduled to have a Level I Match at the Rod and Gun on March 25th; however, I’ve been informed that there will be quite a few regular shooters that will not be able to make it at that time (out-of-province or tied up with other things). So we are going to move that Match to Saturday, April 8th. We will follow the same timings as the regularly scheduled match on March 25th.
I hope that this doesn’t inconvenience too many shooters and we certainly look forward to seeing everyone at the range.
Rick Crane, IPSCNL
Don’t forget about the IPSCNL Club Shirts! I have received sample sizes from the manufacturer and will be bringing these to the matches for people to determine their size. I have short-sleeve and long-sleeve samples.
IPSC Match CANCELLED for Jan 21st
Hello shooters, As you can see below – the forecast weather for Hollyrood is not going to help us conduct a match tomorrow (Jan 21st)! I’m planning on going to the Indoor Range at Complete Gunsmith if they are open just to get out and shoot – I’ll practice something, somehow. LOL If anyone is interesting in joining me – send me a message and we can plan for it. Next scheduled match is February 18th – if we get a chance to shoot a makeup Match for this cancelled match I will be sure to post it here! Stay in out of the blizzard and gas up the snowblower (or get your shovels ready)! Rick Crane, IPSCNL
Not good!