April 25th , 2015 Match Update

Good Day Everyone , We had four shooters that showed up today to brave the elements so we decided to go ahead with todays match however it poured (sideways) and the winds were very high. We lit the wood stove in Long Branch and stogged it full of wood . We set up some steel and decided to practice some shooting drills and then ended with race to the center steel plate challenge finishing up around 2:30pm. Despite the weather , it turned out to be a great day at the range. I will admit,  the wood stove during our lunch break was a big help..:) See you at the next scheduled match on May 16th . IMG_20150425_111011 IMG_20150425_111047 IMG_20150425_111050 IMG_20150425_134659

IPSC Nationals Entry Applications & Stages

Good day Everyone , Here are a couple of updates on the nationals:
  1.  Level 3 Sanction has been secured.
  2.  So that the entire region gets the same chance to enter; you’re being given a heads up to let your membership know when the entry form will go live. The entry form and the stages will be posted on May 1 on the web page; here:  http://www.dvccanada.com/
  I suggest you get the word out and encourage your members (even team members as this will help the organization know what they are facing) to register as soon as they can as due to the large IPSC population in Ontario, any Level 3 there fills up very quickly.  
  1. When you get a chance, can you email the match director; Pat Harrison at pat@patharrison.ca and let him know what divisional teams you intend to send to the competition so he can make any allocations for them in the registration.

IPSC NL April 25th , 2015 Match Reminder

Good Day Everyone, There is a match scheduled for this Saturday April 25th and & Gerry Carr is working on the course of fire so it should be a good one 🙂 The weather forecast is calling for a chance of rain but nice and warm, however  we all know that could change. So rain or shine the match for tomorrow is a GO!  Set up is 9:00AM first shot at 10:00AM. Just a reminder that the match fees are now $10.00 and it will be collected before we start. Any extra help with the set up on Saturday morning would be greatly appreciated.

IPSC Practice Range “C” Booking

Good Day , We have booked Range “C” on Thursday nights starting on May 14th , 2015 to use for practice matches . There will be more details sent out as we get closer to this date  however I would suggest you review the SJRG website calendar to see what other evenings we have booked . The next two bookings are on May 14th  & May 28th, 2015. Thanks, John

April 4th , 2015 Match

Good Day , It was a great day at the Range today. We managed to shoot 4 stages including a qualifier match and the weather was perfect. Special thanks to Monty Pettipas for plowing range so we were able run around with ease today 🙂 The scores will be posted soon and as a reminder the next match is scheduled on April 25th so we hope to see you there. IMG_20150404_110149 IMG_20150404_110200 IMG_20150404_135020 IMG_20150404_135029 IMG_20150404_135043 IMG_20150404_135805      

The April 4th , 2015 Match is GO !

Good Day, Tomorrow’s scheduled IPSC Match is a go. Set up is at 9:00am with the first shot fired at 10:00am. As a reminder the match fees will be $10.00. Also as a reminder, if you haven’t already done so, you can pay your membership fees  now via email transfer by emailing your application and payment of $70.00 to membership@ipscnl.ca. See you at the Range 🙂

Scheduled Match Reminder April 4th 2015

Good Day Everyone, There is a match scheduled for this Saturday April 4th and Rick Crane & Gerry Carr are working on the course of fire so it should be a good one 🙂 The weather forecast is calling for a chance of rain and 5 degrees however  we all know that could change. In the event it does rain, Rick said we will break out all the steel we can muster and still make it a good shoot. Set up is 9AM first shot at 10AM. Just a reminder that the match fees are now $10.00 and it will be collected before we start. Any extra help with the set up on Saturday morning would be greatly appreciated. We will send out a weather update on Friday‎. ipsic match july 19 011 Cheers; DVC IPSC Newfoundland & Labrador Communications@ipscnl.ca Website: IPSCNL.ca

Black Badge Course Reminder May 2nd & 3rd

Good Day, This is a reminder that the May Black Badge course is fast approaching , All applications should be submitted by April 15th , 2015 to ensure we have enough time to send you the required course material. The dates for this year’s first Black Badge training course will be on May 2nd & 3rd 2015 at the St. John’s Rod & Gun Club, Range “C”. Prior to taking this course all applicants must meet the following criteria:
  • Fill out the attached application and have it sent back (completely filled out) to the address on the form along with the fees no later than April 15th 2015. Applications must be emailed to membership@ipscnl.ca or they can be mailed to :
IPSC NL 3 Damien St. Paradise NL A1L 0J7 Students are expected to be able to consistently hit an 8.5 X11 inch sheet of paper at 25 meters BEFORE starting the course. The course is about safety and movement, not basic shooting skills. Once you your application has been received and you have met the criteria required to take the course you will be sent the documentation for you to prepare prior to the course starting in May. If you have any questions please feel to contact us anytime.   Click here for more information:

Black Badge Course 2015

  Click here to download the 2015 Black Badge Application:

IPSC NL Black Badge Application 2015

IPSC Logo Thanks , web: www.Ipscnl.ca Communications@ipscnl.ca

Black Badge Course May 2nd & 3rd 2015

Good Day, The dates for this year’s first Black Badge training course have been confirmed for May 2nd & 3rd 2015 at the St. John’s Rod & Gun Club, Range “C”. Prior to taking this course all applicants must meet the following criteria:
  • Fill out the attached application and have it sent back (completely filled out) to the address on the form along with the fees no later than April 15th 2015. Applications must be emailed to membership@ipscnl.ca or they can be mailed to :
IPSC NL 3 Damien St. Paradise NL A1L 0J7 Students are expected to be able to consistently hit an 8.5 X11 inch sheet of paper at 25 meters BEFORE starting the course. The course is about safety and movement, not basic shooting skills. Once you your application has been received and you have met the criteria required to take the course you will be sent the documentation for you to prepare prior to the course starting in May. If you have any questions please feel to contact us anytime.   Click here for more information:

Black Badge Course 2015

  Click here to download the 2015 Black Badge Application:

IPSC NL Black Badge Application 2015

IPSC Logo Thanks , web: www.Ipscnl.ca Communications@ipscnl.ca

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