Good Day ,
Our friends at IDPA and the St. John’s Rod & Gun Club will be hosting their 4th annual zombie match on August 15th , 2015 and they wanted to extend the invite to all our IPSC NL members as well as this is not an actual IDPA shoot, but rather an event sponsored by IDPA and the SJRG .
The Round count is going to be high and don’t sweat it if anyone doesn’t have all the guns. Just bring ammo and folks are usually happy to let someone shoot a stage with their long guns. Space is limited to 30 shooters max so if you are interested in registering please visit for more details.
The 2015 IPSC NL Provincials are just around the corner . Please click on the link below to see the details regarding this years Match . We will be sending out a registration form soon so keep checking your email & website.
We will also be taking payments via email transfer (EMT) this year as well as on the day of the match however there will be a random prize draw for one lucky early bird registration form received before September 4th , 2015. Stay tuned for more details…..:)
Click the link below :
Good Day ,
We have booked Range C on Thursday nights starting on May 14th , 2015 to use for Practice matches . There will be more details sent out as we get closer to this date however I would suggest you review the SJRG website calendar to see what other evenings we have booked . The next booking is on July 23rd, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm.
Good Day ,
The results for the July 18th , 2015 match have now been posted on the website under the Match Scores tab at the top of the web page .
Thanks again everyone for making last weekends match exciting and a lot of fun .
See you at the next match on August 8th!
Good Day ,
Tomorrow’s match is a GO. There will be six stages with 71 rounds. We will be doing the usual BBQ lunch so soft drinks hotdogs and snacks will be provided free of charge .
Set up is 9:00AM , first shot is at 10:00AM. Just a reminder that the match fees are now $10.00 and it will be collected before we start.
We hope to see you at the range!
Good Day ,
We would like to inform you that the Annual Provincials match will be moved from the previously booked dates in August, 2015 to September 12th & 13th , 2015. This was mainly due to requests received from members to move the match further out from the Canadian Provincials in Ontario and allow or more range time before the NL Provencials . The new dates have been booked with the SJRG and it is already shaping up to be a very exciting Provincials match.
Stay tuned more details to come…….
Good Day,
There is a match scheduled for Saturday July 18th. Dave Anderson and Rick Crane will be designing the course of fire so it should be a challenging one 🙂 (Damn small
The weather forecast is calling for a nice day however , rain or shine the match is a GO!
Set up is 9:00AM , first shot is at 10:00AM. Just a reminder that the match fees are now $10.00 and it will be collected before we start.
We will be serving BBQ hotdogs for lunch as well as snacks , pop & water (No Charge… 🙂 so we hope to see you out at the range as this should be a great day!
Any extra help with the set up on Saturday mgreatly appreciated.orning would be greatly appreciated.
Hope to see you all Saturday!
Good Day,
On Thursday July 9th we held a special Level 1 , three stage match to allow the latest Black Badge students to shoot a qualifying match . We are please to announce that we have 5 new IPSC members , everyone who shot the qualifying match passed their second part of their course.
Also we would like to thank Don and Jasmine for doing such a great job teaching these students, you could really see that safe gun handling was at the top of mind as they went through the stages.
Congratulations to our newest members , we hope to see you all at our next match on July 18th !
Good Day ,
The match scores for the June 28th 2015 have now been posted . You can view these scores under the Match Scores section at the top of main page.
Thanks everyone for your help in putting off the match.
Good Day,
We will be putting off a level 1 match on Thursday evening at 6:00pm. This will give our latest Black Badge students the chance to complete the second part of their Black Badge course.
Set up will be at 6:00pm, we hope to see you at the range.