Hello folks, I'm just a regular guy that enjoys the action shooting sports. I participate in Steel Challenge and IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation). It's all great fun and I encourage folks to go to your local range and give it a try.
Here’s a little something that I put together to get people thinking about going to the Nationals again this year! It’s a video of most of my Stages at the Nationals last year in NS. GREAT FUN!
Also, we are going to have our 1st scheduled shoot of the year on January 21st (weather permitting of course)! Unless it is a proper storm someone will be out there to do some shooting; my goal is to conduct a minimum 4 Stage Level I match for any, and all, of our regularly scheduled Matches.
Don’t forget to pay your 2017 Registration; as our year now runs from Jan – Dec. Annual Membership is $70 of which a portion goes to IPSC Canada for National registration. We will always have someone from the Executive available to collect your registration – which must be paid prior to shooting your first match of the year. We will have Registration forms available as well. You can also email the completed form to: membership@ipscnl.ca
IF YOU CHOOSE TO EMAIL YOUR REGISTRATION FEE, PLEASE DO SO BEFORE YOU HAVE EMAILED THE REGISTRATION FORM! ONCE YOU HAVE THE EMAIL CONFIRMATION NUMBER (from your EMT), WRITE THAT NUMBER ON THE BOTTOM OF YOUR COMPLETED FORM OR SEND IT ALONG IN THE BODY OF THE EMAIL – this ensures that we can track who sent which monies. As for a question and answer to receive the EMT ON OUR SIDE – use something simple like “What year is it?” We have had people send money and the questions were not that easy to answer. The form is located as the IPSC Membership Application under the ‘ABOUT US’ tab on the main homepage.
Take Care and I’ll see you at the Range!
Rick Crane, IPSCNL Section Coordinator
Merry Christmas to everyone from the Executive at IPSCNL!
We truly hope that this festive season finds you in good health and that you get to spend quality time with family and friends.
Look forward to seeing everyone on the range in 2017.
IPSCNL Executive
Also, below are our shooting jersey designs that we are going to be ordering in the New Year. There will most likely be an order placed for long sleeve and short sleeve jerseys. The costs will be dependent on the quantities that we order….. SO if you would like to get a customized jersey with your name on it – let me know ASAP. I can supply more information once we chat.
Reminder as well that our next regularly scheduled IPSC Match is January 21st. Hope to see you there!
Take Care ALL,
Rick Crane, IPSCNL Section Coordinator
Hello Shooters,
There is a Match scheduled for Saturday – it will be going ahead as planned! The weather is looking clear with a few clouds – no rain in sight. It may be a little chilly but – that’s all part of being in NL! I will be heading out early to start the fire in the Long Branch and set things up. As always, any help is appreciated. Depending on time and temperature I plan on breaking halfway through the stages to head inside and have something to eat. It’s also a chance to chat about what’s coming down the pipe for IPSCNL. So come on out!
I have 4 stages ready to go with the ability to drop in 2 more if we need – or we could run the initial 4 stages in 2 strings. Lots of options! Minimum round count for the 4 stages is 60 rounds but could be as many as 160 before the day is out. 😉
Look forward to seeing everyone at the Range!
Rick Crane
Section Coordinator, IPSCNL
Hello shooters,
It’s been a busy week for me and I wanted to get this out earlier in the week but …… here it is.
The SJRGC is holding a Turkey Shoot tomorrow (Sunday) at the Rod & Gun Club. Registration starts at 9:30am. First shots at 10:00.
There will be Trap, Sporting Clays and possibly a Rifle Shoot as a part of this. I will be organizing a Steel Challenge setup as part of this shoot. It is open to anyone. Shooters can shoot in multiple disciplines if they wish. There will be squadding so that everyone can get a chance to Shoot everything.
There is also a Turkey dinner being served for supper if you wish. Check the Rod&Gun website for more details on that.
The cost is $5 for each shooting discipline. C’Mon out and have some fun.
If you’re coming out; I’ll be there early to set up. Any help is always appreciated! You can text or call me if you like.
Rick Crane
Hello shooters,
I have received some information regarding the potential availability of slots for IPSC Canada members that would like to shoot at the WORLD SHOOT 2017. Also, I am looking for people that are interested in shooting at the IPSC Canada Nationals this summer in Kananaskis, AB.
The dates for the competitions are as follows:
23-25 August: Pre-Match
26 August: IPSC General Assembly
27 August: Opening Ceremony
28 Aug – 2 Sept: Main Match (shoot 5 of 6 days, according to Roster)
3 Sept: Shoot-Off and Awards DinnerIPSC Canada NationalsPre-Match: Tuesday – Wednesday, July 18-19, 2017Main Match: Thursday – Sunday, July 20-23, 2017Shoot-Off (or Rain Day): Sunday, July 23, 2017
So, if anyone is interested in attending the WORLD SHOOT, I need to know ASAP as I have to collect contact information to be sent to IPSC Canada and they will contact you once the time comes to confirm spots. I have more information if anyone needs this. This is a great opportunity to shoot at a World Class event as there may not be many Canadians going this year – the Pan Americans are the following year in Jamaica (2018).
As for the IPSC Canada Nationals; I would like to collect that information as well ASAP. We need to have Team Rosters submitted by the end of January in order to avoid going through the individual registration process. Last year was great fun and I highly suggest that you try the Nationals.
Regardless, please contact me ASAP regarding either of these.
Rick Crane
Hello folks,
We have a Black Badge Course scheduled for Clarenville at the end of the month! See the attached poster for all information pertaining the Course.
If you know someone who is thinking about getting involved in the Action Shooting Sports – this is the course for them. A great environment to practice safe gun-handling while getting some great tips on shooting.
It’s a busy 2 days but lots of fun! If there are any questions or concerns; please contact one of the IPSC Executive members.
See you at the Range.
Rick Crane
Black Badge Course Oct 2016
Hello shooters,
There is a match scheduled for Saturday, Oct 15th. The weather seems to be a little unfavourable to start the morning but then we should be in the clear.
I have most of the stages done but not finalized. The plan is for 6 stages. As for the round count, I’d expect it to be 110 rounds as a safe bet.
As always, first shot is planned for 10:00am with set up starting around 8:30am. The more people available to help with set up is greatly appreciated.
I’m also finalizing the schedule for the upcoming season so keep your eyes peeled for that. There will be a match in November but if you come out tomorrow you’ll get more early details.
See you at the range!
Rick Crane
Hello folks,
I’ve received this DRAFT document from IPSC National Canada and I don’t foresee any changes that will affect us here at IPSCNL.
You can review at your leisure to see how the National Rankings are calculated and the ranking of those shooters that have shot at the Nationals over the last three (3) years.
Don’t forget that we have a scheduled Level 1 match on October 15th; more info to follow next week.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Rick Crane
Hello shooters,
There is a Match scheduled for Sunday, Sept 25th 2016; however, all of the stages will be Classifiers. The match still costs $10 per person to register. If you wish to have your scores submitted for Classification it will cost an extra $10 to be paid to IPSC International to process the scores and generate the Classification [the money is not for me!!!]. ($20 in total) I will be submitting the scores online using WinMSS.
The stages are attached.
We sent numerous shooters to the Nationals this year without a Classification. If you haven’t submitted the appropriate information in the last 2 years then your Classification has expired.
So, I am conducting this weekend’s shoot as an opportunity for shooters to shoot the minimum number of Classifier Stages and they can submit the necessary info to receive a classification; if they wish to do so. Please review the links below as they explain a lot about this process.
If you are unsure about how to ‘classify’ or what it involves, see the following links:
What is a Classification?Classification – Frequently Asked QuestionsIPSC Classifiers for Sept 25th 2016
I have chosen nine (9) possible stages to set up; only four (4) are required for a Classification but if there are eight (8) or more stages in the system, they will use the best four (4) stages to determine your classification. The minimum round count is 91 to complete the 9 classifiers; so plan to bring extra.
I’m looking forward to this. The stages MUST be set up as outlined in the attached stage designs! Any and all help with the stage layout will be appreciated as it takes a little time to measure off the distances properly. The stages are simple in design but we would appreciate any, and all, help with the layout.
I will be at the range around 8:00am to start with the layout. First shots are planned for 10:00am. I look forward to seeing as many of you out there to have a relaxed shooting day.
Rick Crane, Section Coordinator, IPSCNL
Hello fellow IPSC shooters,
Attached are the results of the Steel Challenge Showdown that was conducted on Saturday, Sept 17th 2016 at the SJRGC.
The weather was excellent and we had a great bunch of shooters. We even had a ‘new, young shooter’ come by to see what we were doing and he got the chance to shoot some steel with a .22LR Smith and Wesson M&P. He did very well and got a round of applause from all of our shooters. He loved it!
Reminder that we still have a couple more IPSC Matches left and we are hoping to get everyone out to finish the season strong!
See you on Tuesday evening for another Steel Shoot. 6:00pm start but come early to help set up. Remember – Many hands makes light work!
Rick Crane