Results From Saturday’s Match, Nov 18th 2017

Hello folks,

Well, it goes without saying that the weather last Saturday was spectacular for November.  We had LOADS of food in a warm trailer and it was a great day for shooting!

The results are posted here:  IPSC Handgun Match L1 Results Nov 18th 2017

We had Roger MacDonald complete his Black Badge Certification by safely completing the match on Saturday!  Congrats to Roger.

We had many folks that have completed their Black Badge Certification this shooting season and we look forward to seeing them on the Range.

Rick Crane


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Rick Crane

Hello folks, I'm just a regular guy that enjoys the action shooting sports. I participate in Steel Challenge and IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation). It's all great fun and I encourage folks to go to your local range and give it a try.

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